Yes , anybody can take it. It doesn’t affect conception.
We have sold this product for 2 and half years and we have not recorded any negative side effects from customers.
Guaranteed results from 5 days when you use it Morning and Night.
When you buy , more instructions will be given for best & faster results.
No, this product is strong enough so you don’t need cream.
Please stop any organic cream you are using and try this product.
For whitening supplement, Yes.
You have to stop any whitening supplements you take.
For any other supplements.
No, this product can be used with multivitamins.
For multi vitamins and supplement for well being, Yes.
For any other Medications like Malaria, High blood pressure, Arthritis (Serious ailments).
Please consult with your Doctor.
Breastfeeding mothers can take it but pregnant women cannot take it but however if you are pregnant , You can get it now and keep it till you give birth.
The capsules have a shelf life of 2 years.
If you are pregnant , please send us a WhatsApp message on 09125039276 for a product that suits your needs.
There are 30 teabags in a bottle
We have dispatch riders in every state in Nigeria so not to worry , we are very close to you. You will get your package very fast, delivery is very affordable to your house or office.
So click the big button below to see the price and get it.
We have so many customers who have used this product and it works wonderfully well but only if you use it correctly.
It is taken 1 tea bag morning and 1 tea bag at night after food.
As long as you are taking it consistently , FAST RESULTS ARE GUARANTEED AND IT IS 100% NATURAL.
The only time You won’t get fast results is when you take the tea once in a while or skip so many times and of course , You want to get the best value for your money so You won’t want to waste it.
The results are permanent , your skin won’t return back to it’s previous look and when you get your results you can stop taking it everyday. You don’t have to take it for life.